I'm an Italian computer engineer dreaming of living a hobbit life. Until that happens, I keep myself entertained with music, novels, video essays, and shell scripting.
Random but super important facts about me:
I'm a fan of minimalism in design and technology; my comfort movies are mostly spaghetti westerns, Christmassy
rom-coms, and Studio Ghibli films; there's nothing I find more pleasant than going to bed with clean sheets after an
evening shower.
If that is not enough, I have prepared a description through memes, because... why not. Also, take a look at what I'm doing now.
What does earendelmir mean?
From a fusion of Old-English and Elvish, it means "Jewel of the Morning Star". This is a nod to Tolkien's work, which has played, and continues to play, a significant role in shaping my imagination, philosophy, and emotional intelligence.
My real name is Marco. I adopted this pseudonym just to prevent those who know me in real life from easily discovering this space.
Current favourites
- Bella 'mbriana - Pino Daniele
- Death with Interruptions - José Saramago
- Marrakech Express
- The Bear
- Assassin's Creed II
See the full list in the favourites page.
This website
It's my own little corner of the internet, and I love it! I'll tend to it as if it was my garden; it will grow as I grow, and die as I die.
I could give a heartfelt description of how much I've come to love small blogs and the intimate connection that
exists between the writer and the reader, the bond of trust, even love! that I feel when reading of other people's
thoughts, and the desire I felt to create something equally special... but I'll spare you all of that.
In the end, this is just a comfortable side project to waste time on.
I started working on this for two reasons: to be master of style, form and content of my space here on the web, enabling me to customize it however I want and to express myself freely — the exact opposite of what social media offer. Secondly, to store all my thoughts and writings in a single place, overcoming the dependency on countless journals, pieces of paper, and note taking apps.
The entire website is written in plain HTML/CSS, with as little Javascript as possible.
While being a perpetual work in progress, this site is designed to last.
There are no trackers, analytics, nor cookies. I don't care
who you are, where you are or why you've come here.
Also, I don't really want to know the number of readers: it would either be 0 or
>0 and I'd obsess over nothing in both scenarios.