Time to publish
· 4 min · #blogging
I created this website on the 1st of January of 2023. I remember typing the first touch index.html
command. Since then I have written 30 posts and tried out soo many redesigns that I don't think I'll ever be
truly satisfied with it.
Anyway, some days ago I started seriously thinking about publishing all the reflections and stupid things
I have written down in these months (and those that I am yet to think), and an idea came to mind: let's do it
on the 1st of January to celebrate my first year of blogging!
What a lovely idea that was, too bad it didn't take into account my childish impatience. I can't possibly
wait that long, it would be another three months of continuous tests to determine whether that paragraph
looks better with a margin-top of 12px or 14px,
or maybe 13px? no, it has to be an even number. what about 16px then? too much. wait! let's try with
and rem
values. what does rem
mean anyway?
I. Can't. Wait that long.
So, I take a quick look around and the easiest solution seems to be hosting this
with GitHub Pages: free and easy enough to set up, it's just a repo. I just don't like the url, though:
redacted.github.io feels unprofessional.
So, I take a quick look around and decide to buy my own domain; I am now the proud owner of
i could have gone with .com or .dev but they cost more and i'm cheap.
The empowerment I feel, the sense of accomplishment and pride, is almost new to me. What's interesting,
however, is that it is now been three days since the creation of the repository and the acquisition of the
domain and I'm yet to actually commit all of these files to GitHub. Why? I am afraid, obviously. I am afraid
that people might read what I write and judge me.
A scene from one of the best games ever comes to mind:
"I guess I... I'm afraid." - Arthur Morgan
"There is nothing to be afraid of. Take a gamble that love exists and do a loving act!" - Sister
I'll take the gamble. There's no use in keeping this for myself on localhost for ever!
What am I so concerned about, anyway? That somebody somewhere might find me stupid? boring? senseless?
There's nothing bad you could think of me I have not thought of myself already! haha ha h-
And then, come on, will anybody ever stumble upon this website? I don't think so, and even if you did,
I wouldn't know that, and I wouldn't know you so I have no reason to fear your judgement.
So, why are you making it public, then? You still won't know whether somebody will ever read this
— one might wonder. I am one. I wonder.
I guess that, by putting this out there, somebody might actually find it and... deep down... that
is my hope. Hope that there's something between these posts that can amuse, interest or even move somebody
else, anybody.
It's decided then. I'll do it. I'll publish this as an act of love towards myself.
Hello, internet!