
I don't need a cleaning lady. I need somebody to tell me they're coming over by my house tomorrow.

Haven't left the house the whole day, not even the room.
Haven't spoken to anybody, haven't uttered a single word.
I have not lived today.

Empathy is our biggest weakness.

Funny how many blog posts are about blogging.

Going through a rough patch. The anticipation for the next season of The Rings Of Power is what keeps me going. Yes, there are other things too: my friends. My family... not so much.

Sto uscendo (quasi) tutte le sere con i miei amici. Sono felice. Ho notato, però, che così facendo passo gran parte della giornata in modalità "di attesa", non facendo assolutamente nulla se non aspettare che il tempo passi e si faccia ora di uscire. Complice forse la cotta che ho preso per una di loro — o che credo di avere preso... questo è un altro discorso.

As soon as I graduated I shut off my brain. Now I'm trying to learn C++ but I can't get myself to concentrate and work anymore.

I don't know what to put in this site's homepage. Right now I have the most recent posts but... I don't know... it feels empty, boring, a waste.
If you have any idea, please!, let me know!

It's the little things. The wifi is slow, the external display doesn't work — the laptop's HDMI port might be broken, the wind is making the doors and windows slam every second. I ma so frustrated! I'm also anxious, I am afraid my work on the thesis might not be enough. And tomorrow (Saturday) I'll be busy helping my grand-father. Hope this too will pass soon.

Quest'allergia mi sta uccidendo.

A24 rules! It's art for art's sake!

Leggere Stephen King di notte non mi fa bene. Ora metto su un episodio di Modern Family per bilanciare.

Joni Mitchell is back on Spotify!!! I thought about wanting to know her music better just the other day.

Ho preso l'abitudine di posticipare la sveglia la mattina, invece di alzarmi e basta. Devo provare a tenere il telefono lontano dal letto.

i'm the king of bad ideas

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